
Our approach

SHU (Follow the rule)

We will first understand the client need and then will draft all the questions through 5 Whys. Once that is completed we will prepare the NEEDS ANALYSIS DOCUMENT to define the roadmap..

HA (Bend the rule)

We will draft the plan that will be executed rapidly by identifying the core needs to make a stable system. SriChakra is aware that planning is the foundation upon which execution will be laid by considering all the relevant options. We will ensure as part of the viable option the final system will be built that is scalable with efficiency and longevity


Now that the exeuction is underway, the final step of the execution is to implement and sustain the delivered product to maintain its efficiency.

Our Services

Our Ala-Cart is now ready to serve all the client needs.

Zoho Implementation

Our team of certified consultants in various products of Zoho will be available to help all the client needs in reference to Zoho Implementation. As part of the Zoho Implementation we primariy focus : - Vanilla Implementaton - Data Migration - Development & Integration - Train the Trainer

Project Management Consultancy

As part of ERP / CRM Implemenation we follow the current trend in the implemenation by following Agile, Traditional Waterfall and Hybrid model to manage various project needs. Our team of consutants are trained and certified in various Project Management tools and will be able to apply the same standards and practices as part of the implementation

Coaching & Mentoring

Coaching which is key to current situation. Our team of coaching consultants will help various leaders and individuals to manage various strategical challenges and help them to gude and navigate to solve their own problem. All of our consultants are trained in various coaching methodlogies suchs ICF, Leadership Circle, DISC.

Get Excited to Implement

The process is easy!


Tell us exactly what you need

Lay out your requirements and our commitment is to develop a roadmap


We will develop a roadmap

As comitted we will develop a roadmap with all the key milestones achieved in an MVP model.


Road to destiny

Successfully delivered and now we will monitor to stabilize as part of the warranty & support

Ready to Implement

Excited to be part of our team